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The Eipianopira will be ofering thirty scholarships of 50% and 80% will be offered to In-person and online participants who show financial need and are willing to work as eipianopira monitors. Priorities will be given to students from Brazil and South America.


Monitor categories:

  • English translators - 5 scholarships

  • Spanish translators - 4 scholarships

  • Stage monitors - 6 scholarships

  • Production assistants - 8 scholarships

  • Studio monitors (OBS) - 7 scholarships


To apply for scholarships, candidates must complete the application form

 In order to apply for  scholarships, candidates must fill the scholarship application form by June 15th.

The result of the selected scholarship holders will be announced by email until June 17th.

The recipients of scholarships must be present during  the  online monitors orientation sessions as well as throughout the entire EIPIANOPIRA (July 9-15).

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